Elements of a Thriller
Open with a Bang or a Chill or a Compelling Question
Establish the 4 Ws Early-------Who, What, When, and Where
Inciting Incident---Sets the protagonist’s story in motion
Establish the Story Question—What does the Protagonist want/need?
Rising Tension
Who/What opposes the Protagonist and Why?
What does the antagonist want/need?
Establish a Time or Situation Endpoint
Scenes advance or obstruct the protagonist’s attaining goal
Each power scene poses a question and ends with:
Yes, but------------------------Strong
No, and further more———————————-Strongest
Convergence of Space and Time—“Life in a Trash Compactor”
Epiphany---Protagonist grasps the solution
Personal Jeopardy---Protagonist must fear for personal safety
Mano a’ Mano---Protagonist must confront antagonist “face to face”
Resolution---all major story questions are resolved