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  • Writer's pictureD. P. Lyle


Take Your Writing to the Next Level with Our Intensive Bundle! 

Discover the secrets of compelling storytelling, true crime research, and crime writer psychology in THREE power-packed writing intensives led by award-winning authors and expert instructors.

 Dates: Oct 2 | Oct 14 | Nov 13

 BUNDLE & SAVE: Get all 3 for just $117 (Save 10%)

Here’s what you’ll learn in each class:

 Oct 2: Give Readers a Reason to Care | 3 Wednesdays | 60-minute Zoom Sessions

Learn how to create universal stakes, build tension, and deepen emotional resonance with Stacy Woodson & Dawn Alexander.

Regular price: $60

 Oct 14: Research Tools for True Crime Writers | 90-minute Zoom

Master the art of researching true crime with Tracy Ullman & Dr. Katherine Ramsland.

Regular price: $35

 Nov 13: Raise Your OQ: The Psychology of Observation for Crime Writers | 90-minute Zoom

Learn how to sharpen your observation skills to create more nuanced characters with Dr. Katherine Ramsland.

Regular price: $35

Buy the bundle and save 10%! Learn from top writing and crime research experts, and walk away with practical tools to elevate your writing instantly!

Don’t want the bundle? No worries, you can still sign up for the individual classes.Outliers Intensive Class Schedule:

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